Masters has shipped over 150-40 foot containers of various food products, clothing, vitamins, medical supplies, hospital beds, and medicine. These goods have been shipped to various cities in Ukraine, and are being continually distributed to orphanages, hospitals, hospice centers, churches, soup kitchens, senior citizen centers, prisons and to other needy people.
As in any war, the one in Ukraine is full of so many sad stories that are never ending. It has been called a forgotten war on Europe’s doorstep. It hardly makes the headlines any longer. But life goes on. After all, for most Ukrainians not living in the war zone, the economic downturn and the tumbling value of the national currency have been just as painful as the war itself. (See Video below)
What was once an acute humanitarian crisis in the eastern war zone has evolved into a long-term catastrophe. The humanitarian situation in eastern Ukraine is deteriorating. More than 4 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance and among them are 580,000 children. More than 1 million people in the Donbas region are food insecure, and civilian casualties are a constant. Land mines and booby traps have become a lethal threat for civilians, accounting for more than half the casualties this year. There are roughly 60,000 Ukrainian troops deployed in the frigid trenches and embattled front-line villages of eastern Ukraine with over 2,000,000 Internally Displaced People (refugees). When the sun goes down the tracers will cut across the dark sky up and down the 250-mile-long front line. War-weary soldiers and civilians will hunker down in trenches and in cellars, attempting to stave off the cold and the fear as they have for six winters now.
There’s a 1 in 3 chance a Ukrainian soldier will die on that lonely, frigid battlefield at the hands of a Russian weapon.
57 years of age – My husband is an invalid of Group 2. He walks very badly. Thank you for such timely aid. We live in the ATO Zone (War zone at the East of Ukraine) and we thank you that you have not forgotten us.
Senior people come to us with their jars and containers. We stay here behind a little shop under a tree as people wait for us every day except Sunday. They know that we have a 40 litre pot of vegetable soup. Most of the time people eat holding their bowls of soup in their hands or putting on the ground -even in the snow. Although there are no tables there is no lack of people who come to eat. The need is great during this time of war and economic instability. Thank you for providing us the product with which we can feed these needy people.
64 years of age. – I am a pensioner with low-income. Thank you for this help. I use Soup mix to make salads and cook borsch. I will be very glad if you continue to send us such assistance, for it is useful.
The Master's Foundation
1260 Eglinton Avenue East, Suite 4 | Mississauga, Ontario L4W 1K8 | Canada